2024 has been a year of great membership growth for our West Bend Sunrise Rotary Club!
Amy Kieser, marketing manager with Forte Bank and a former Rotarian, came back to Rotary and was inducted into the club in October. Welcome Amy!

American Companies was welcomed as our newest corporate member on Oct 22.
Representing American Companies are Nathan Pape, Crista Weindorf, Emily Mohl, and Mari Berth.
Welcome to you all!

We were also happy to welcome Nell and Karen Rice in early October. Nell is a new Rotarian, and Karen transferred from a different club. We are glad to have you both!

The club inducted three new members on Tue 6/18, bringing our total membership to 70! A big Rotary welcome to Chris Schatz, Melissa Fraedrich-Serdan, and Carrie Baumann. Chris is Dean of Health and Human Services at Moraine Park Technical College, Melissa is a licensed Medicare agent with Humana, and Carrie is the owner of Baumann Tax and Business Services.

In May, West Bend Sunrise Rotary welcomed new members Curt Pitzen and Jess Wildes. Curt works in commercial real estate, and Jess is West Bend’s Assistant City Administrator

Back in April, the club also welcomed Gary Loop (4/2/24) and Lynn Nowak (4/9/24) as our newest members to the West Bend Sunrise Rotary Club. Lynn is a psychotherapist at Midwest Wellness, and Gary is a Business Strategy Consultant based out of West Bend. Welcome to the club!